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What cause the earthquake in Haití ?
Earthquake Dinamic.
Elucidate what cause the earthquake in Haiti is question of survival of two beings: Human and Earth.
The aprox. 195 of the world countries must unit and cooperate to research what happend really in Haití´s earthquake. If each country cooperates with $ 1000.00 dollars is enough to elucidate this case. $ 195,000.00. The economy is not a problem.
As much human as earth are two livings beings, this is the center of the problem. Because if you have a more modern conception of earth geology you must know that the earth is changing constantly and getting old each moment like a human being. What this mean ?. This mean that if some atomic bomb is placed in a strategic site of the earth. The earth for a reaction in chain could all exploide !!!!. This is the relevance of this elucidation.
For this, there must be meeting of the use of atomic bombs in subsoil. Because like in this case if my hypotesis is true. It was put in a very strategic point an atomic bomb or two (because there were two epicenters Carrefour and Fayette. And if somebody puts the atomic bomb like in this case near of breathing holes of earth this increase the earth´s splits (grottes, union of tectonic plates, etc.) as much in oceans and continents. The waters comes in the earth in put in contact with the incandecent interior magmas of earth and if the crack communication is large inside of earth; this could cause a chain reaction that could cause explotion of the whole earth.
In the case of Haiti this is a very important parameter, that after the Haiti´s earthquake the ocean water came in touch of incandecents magmas and cause a lot of water vapor, black clouds and a lot of rain in the whole world in Mexico city never had rained so much. This is an anormal phenomenon. (This is a very importan point).
Maybe the bombs were put in Haiti south peninsule near the the south site Eriquillo Fault near Carrefour and Fayette. Where detonated with a difference of one second: 10/01/12 21h:53':09" and 21h:53':10" UTC. The first hit were in Enriquillo Fault and after hits norteamerican tectonic plate and caribbean tectonic plate union, the first went to west and the second east. The result more than 200,000 death. And an Earthquake of 7.0 – 7.3 º Richter degress, aperture of earth slits touch of ocean water with magmas and a lot of rain.
American Goverment
Maybe you must think, I am naive. But It is very possible that Barack Obama does not know of this plan. But I think that it is so in USA. Why ?. Cause this is a mechanism of protection of his system. That is incredible true !!!. What it is my base?. That The Kennedies never knew that his intelligence apparatus will kill them. This is the secon call for Obama. First one was the death of Michel Jackson, second one the Haiti earthquake. Or he controls his violence´s apparatus. Or all know, what will happen to him.....
The other importan thing is that very quickly after earthquake the american army occupied Haiti. What this mean ?. That they were prepared for this before. This is another geo-political-strategic point for USA to control Latin America (also very important).
For this reason, Latin America first, and Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania must unit to elucidate this very important event. This is important for the whole World, including U.S.A. And of course for President Barack Obama.
05/02/10 05:10:09 PM CST of America.
Earthquake Dinamic.
Elucidate what cause the earthquake in Haiti is question of survival of two beings: Human and Earth.
The aprox. 195 of the world countries must unit and cooperate to research what happend really in Haití´s earthquake. If each country cooperates with $ 1000.00 dollars is enough to elucidate this case. $ 195,000.00. The economy is not a problem.
As much human as earth are two livings beings, this is the center of the problem. Because if you have a more modern conception of earth geology you must know that the earth is changing constantly and getting old each moment like a human being. What this mean ?. This mean that if some atomic bomb is placed in a strategic site of the earth. The earth for a reaction in chain could all exploide !!!!. This is the relevance of this elucidation.
For this, there must be meeting of the use of atomic bombs in subsoil. Because like in this case if my hypotesis is true. It was put in a very strategic point an atomic bomb or two (because there were two epicenters Carrefour and Fayette. And if somebody puts the atomic bomb like in this case near of breathing holes of earth this increase the earth´s splits (grottes, union of tectonic plates, etc.) as much in oceans and continents. The waters comes in the earth in put in contact with the incandecent interior magmas of earth and if the crack communication is large inside of earth; this could cause a chain reaction that could cause explotion of the whole earth.
In the case of Haiti this is a very important parameter, that after the Haiti´s earthquake the ocean water came in touch of incandecents magmas and cause a lot of water vapor, black clouds and a lot of rain in the whole world in Mexico city never had rained so much. This is an anormal phenomenon. (This is a very importan point).
Maybe the bombs were put in Haiti south peninsule near the the south site Eriquillo Fault near Carrefour and Fayette. Where detonated with a difference of one second: 10/01/12 21h:53':09" and 21h:53':10" UTC. The first hit were in Enriquillo Fault and after hits norteamerican tectonic plate and caribbean tectonic plate union, the first went to west and the second east. The result more than 200,000 death. And an Earthquake of 7.0 – 7.3 º Richter degress, aperture of earth slits touch of ocean water with magmas and a lot of rain.
American Goverment
Maybe you must think, I am naive. But It is very possible that Barack Obama does not know of this plan. But I think that it is so in USA. Why ?. Cause this is a mechanism of protection of his system. That is incredible true !!!. What it is my base?. That The Kennedies never knew that his intelligence apparatus will kill them. This is the secon call for Obama. First one was the death of Michel Jackson, second one the Haiti earthquake. Or he controls his violence´s apparatus. Or all know, what will happen to him.....
The other importan thing is that very quickly after earthquake the american army occupied Haiti. What this mean ?. That they were prepared for this before. This is another geo-political-strategic point for USA to control Latin America (also very important).
For this reason, Latin America first, and Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania must unit to elucidate this very important event. This is important for the whole World, including U.S.A. And of course for President Barack Obama.
05/02/10 05:10:09 PM CST of America.
Relación actualizada de mis clones:
Lucrecia, Laly, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognita, In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Весёлая коровка, BOSS, Кalesiana de Siempre y quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr, 1111, abdurahman.......
Lucrecia, Laly, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognita, In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Весёлая коровка, BOSS, Кalesiana de Siempre y quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr, 1111, abdurahman.......
"..и ныне,и присно, и во веки веков" = "Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum.
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Hay alguien de ustedes in Los angeles?
Estoy aqui ahora, tendre mucho gusto in conocerles! Soy de Rusia, pero hablo espanol bastante bien!
Estoy aqui ahora, tendre mucho gusto in conocerles! Soy de Rusia, pero hablo espanol bastante bien!
In vino veritas истина в вине :)
Relación actualizada de clones del Sr. In-Cognito:
Lucrecia, Laly, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Весёлая коровка, BOSS, Кalesiana de Siempre y quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr. Estos últimos registrados el 6 de marzo.
Lucrecia, Laly, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Весёлая коровка, BOSS, Кalesiana de Siempre y quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr. Estos últimos registrados el 6 de marzo.
Yulia, estoy de acuerdo con los comentarios de Yelena e In-Cognito sobre PODERÍO.
La traducción de In-Cognito sobre las FIESTAS es elegante, profesional. Hazme caso, soy española
La traducción de In-Cognito sobre las FIESTAS es elegante, profesional. Hazme caso, soy española
Lucrecia, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Yelena, Bjork, etc., etc. Son clones, clonitas.....
>Yelena написал:
>Голям пьятешественик/Turista/Gran Turista:
>Весёлая коровка
>Кalesiana de Siempre
>Yelena написал:
>Голям пьятешественик/Turista/Gran Turista:
>Весёлая коровка
>Кalesiana de Siempre
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