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The verb "tirar" means "drop". But in Mexico they can also use it to say that they are having sex. And they usually say it like that "Estoy tirando" or "Voy a tirar". It would be the same in Venezuela…
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Relación actualizada de mis clones:
Lucrecia, Laly, Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognita, In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Весёлая коровка, BOSS, Кalesiana de Siempre y quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr, 1111, abdurahman......., Yelena, Bjork, Frasquito.....
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Marinerazo made in diccionario.ru?

>Mmmmm... Y tambien "marinerazo"... :)

Почти полный перечень клонов: Krotov - Incognito: quienselassabe, nomelase, el parlante, mmmmmmmmmmmm, ppppppppppppurrrr, Lucrecia (снят с учета), Jimena, Elia, Krotov (en español y en ruso), In-Cognito (alias Krotov), In-Cognita, Abdurahman (новый) ......
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'Caminando y favlando' -'Caminando y hablando' means that if possible one must, do more than one thing at a time. It is said that in some country when one eats a bubble must stop in order to think about what he does.
·'Hablar' comes from latin 'fabulare';in some regions is kept the word 'fabla' like their dialect. The old word 'favla' is not used at all at present. Now exists the verb 'fabular' with the meaning of 'tell stories' o 'tell things existing just in speakers mind'
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из первых презавых температур
In an oral exercise about weather in Russia it appears these words. My problem is with the second word, stressed on вых and the context is as follows: 'Spring begins with timid start in Siberia and Far East
из первых презавых температур of the season save in the south of Kamchatka.' Obviously this word is trancribed only approximatively and surely wrongly. Can you say to me what it can be? Tks.
For readers not expert with English I repeat in Spanish: Estoy traduciendo un ejercicio oral acerca de la temperatura en Rusia y en la frase: La primavera comienza con un tímido principio en Siberia y Lejano Oriente de las primeras презавых temperaturas de la estación. ¿Me puede alguien ayudar con la traducción de esta palabra, que sin duda está mal transcrita? Muchas gracias.
Boss in Motion, de Hubo Boss. Me encanta!
Нуждается в переводе!!!
>In-Cognito написал:


>- Товарищ прапорщик, остановите этот поезд!

>- Поезд, стой! Раз, два.

Old German tango in a Russian style !


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